Happy Easter- We hope everyone had a nice Easter. We had a fun day at Aunt Donna's hunting for Easter egg's and playing games. Grandma was the winner of the hunt finding the most eggs. I was the winner of the Easter jigsaw puzzle race. It was quite a victorious day for the Jacks/ Wegrowski team.
First Easter basket. The baskets turned out better that I thought. Basket party next year for sure!!
Saturday was Evan Hayden's super fun 80's first birthday.
Complete with koosh ball favors, Zima and array of Bop and Teen magazines preserved by Erin's mom. I can't believe we used to read those things and that it is now considered nostalgia.
Birthday boy Evan had his very own " You can't touch this" t-shirt and jelly belt. My hair was bigger, but quickly deflated and Brayden transferred into jammies after he barfed on his 80's polo outfit. I can't say that I blame him. Tony ( not pictured) got off easy with vintage Rip Curl.