So I followed a recommendation and purchased this
book a couple of weeks ago. As I read on there are a couple of crucial items for succesful 5 minute bread we don't own. So of course I get excited at the idea of aquiring new cookware. I know the dangerous path it leads me down...All Clad. I am a secret snob of cookware. Lots of other companies make baking stones but I had to have the All Clad. Ever since I made mac and cheese for these kids I babysat in a 2 qt All Clad pan, I will forever be a loyal consumer. I have yet to purchase a pizza peel, but plan to soon. So far I am into this bread project for about $130.00. I figure in about 30-40 loaves, I will have recouped my money in savings from store bought bread. Don't be surprised if you come over to our house or invite us over we will most definetly be bringing or having artisian bread.
Moving on to things that cost less money.... A family hike.

Last memorial day was a nice day for a hike. I can't quite recall the name of the location but it is somewhere off the 52 freeway. We thought it would be a nice time to try out Brayden's backpack. We found out the hard way that he is still a little too small. Grandma had her stroller in the car and insisted we take it along since the hike was pretty flat. That lasted maybe a quarter mile before we had to park it under a tree of the side of the path. I really like her stroller and was really hoping it would be there when we got back. It was, however we crossed paths with a lady who asked us if was our stroller parked under the tree not too far from the start of the hiking path. We said yes. She then proceeded to tell us that she called 911 because she saw an abandoned stroller. The 911 call center told her it was a low priority. NO KIDDING silly woman. Who thinks to call 911 when they see a stroller with a fresh bottle and toys and blanket on a public hiking path? Most people would think that a goofy family tried to bring a stroller on a hike and the wheels got stuck so they left it behind. With 8 of us on a hike and a bjorn, we were not lacking in volunteers for holding the baby.
Guess who suggested bringing the stroller on a hike?