Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The all day candy fest

5:35 am. The Easter Bunny comes early to the Jacks. The Easter bunny tried to be very green this year. Bringing a few recycled toys and books while reusing Christmas wrap. Knowing that toys and candy are not lacking in our house he wanted to make sure we had plenty of everyday items such as vitamins, socks, Tylenol and a toothbrush. Since 4 back teeth are coming in there are lots more teeth to brush.

Our talented boy. Already unwrapping Hershey wrappers with perfection.

Bypassing the plastic hot dog for eggs with treats. Can't fool this one.
Silly bunnies in the kitchen. Since my mom did not assign people specific items everyone brought dessert. Still recovering from all the sugar.

More candy from Uncle Jason.

Hope everyone had a happy Easter. !!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Eggcelent Times

You would think it is spring break for me or something like that. On the contrary, more work ( thanks to the stimulus package) than I can handle. But that is an good thing. Crafting and baking like I have the time. I guess I need a distraction from this one single loan that has dominated my week. Normally I am not the kind of person that complains about work in a public forum, but there is a strong possibility that the offending loan will not get approved and I could have been spending the energy on loans that will actually generate income. But that is the lovely life of sales. It has me looking forward to Easter and all of the fun events and traditions leading up to it. Opening a surprise Easter package from Grandpa Jacks. Sand toys, birds and bubbles. Fun.
Discovering the Easter Bunny's stash in a undisclosed location.

Our 2009 Easter baskets. I am not that happy with the way they turned out. They are not as stiff of as polished as I would like. I am chocking it up to learning the ins and outs of applique. They hold eggs and treats so they will do the job for this year.

Dying Easter Eggs. Tony choosing to chat rather than color. I think these eggs will end up in a spinach salad for tomorrow.

Braving the crowd at the YMCA egg hunt. We got placed with the 3 year old group due to the overcrowding of the 2 year old group. We ended up with 3 eggs.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Community Camping

Loving riding bikes around the harbor.

Our clever idea for a bed for Brayden. A 2 man raft from Walmart. One night it worked great 2nd night was not so successful. It is great for storing dirty clothes.

Hanging out at camp.

Last weekend we had our first family camping trip to Doheny Beach for Tony's birthday. Brayden had lots of fun playing on the beach and riding bikes around Dana Point. He came down with a cold the last night we were there so we had had very little sleep our last night. So did our neighbors. It was freezing at night but sunny and warm during the day. We ate only one meal at camp. We had dinner with Tony's cousins at then hit happy hour and Wind and Sea the next night. That is my kind of camping. No dishes. After this trip we are ready to step up our camping trailer search. Even though we have no where to store it.