Here is an update on my needlework project. I had given myself a goal to finish the lower half by the end of May. That obviously did not happen. June is looking more realistic. If the weather stays as nice as it has been the completion will get postponed. So far I am happy with the result since this is my first attempt.

Last weeks 5k in Del Mar. I chickened out of the 10k even though I could have used the practice running a longer distance. Apparently Brayden though he was the more dehydrated one out of the both of us.

Hullabaloo at the Powerhouse in Del Mar last Sunday. Brayden danced and danced. It was so much fun to watch. Not pictured is Brayden friend Evan and his mom Erin. Erin was busy chasing Evan pushing Braydens's stroller through the crowd. Maybe next month the dads can go so we can engage in some sort of conversation. Some parents were clever enough to bring wine and a nice picnic lunch. I think we have a big Hullabaloo fan and will need to get some sort of a similar concert routine going.

More dancing.

Today's visit to Quail Botanical Gardens for their grand opening of their children's garden. I think this pond was intended as a pretty water feature not as a toddler wading pool. I can honestly say my child was the wettest child there. Most kids were content dipping their feet in. Mine got his head wet within seconds. We ended up staying here for a good 45 minutes and got to see very little else. Thankfully they still let us become members anyway. Enjoy your weekend!