What a crazy month. I am very much looking forward to June and the rest of the year. I switched companies this month. It is scary, exciting , fabulous and stressful all at the same time. I started at the beginning of the month but I had to complete heaps of training and lay low until I resigned from my former company. I LOVE my new office in Cardiff and have a great branch to work out of in Encinitas. I have to pinch myself sometimes because it does not seem real. It is also bittersweet because I have left my loan officer who I have worked with for almost 9 years. I still plan on working a lot out of my home office too.
Today we stared off summer as we normally do at the beach. Our neighbors host a potluck at San Onofre. We could not have asked for a more beautiful day. Brayden got a chance to ride some waves today which he loved. The water was freezing but he could care less. They are actually riding my old board my friend shaped for me when I was 19. I am glad it made it out of the garage rafters and got ridden.

Two weeks ago we did a little road trip up the coast. We made it as far north as Paso Robles to attend their wine festival. We stopped lots along the way and had a great visit with Tony's uncle Brad and Aunt Janet. Our trip was cut short because I had to hurry back for a week long training in Irvine.

Thinking he belonged with our motorcycle neighbors at the Sandman Inn in Santa Barbara.

Pomar Junction winery in Paso. They actually a train on the vineyard. What a beautiful place. This was my favorite activity we did on our trip. I think next year we will bypass the wine festival and attend all of the events the wineries host instead.

The wine festival with Tony's aunt Janet and uncle Brad

Avila Beach
In other news. Brayden is 90% potty trained just in time for school. He wakes up dry 9 nights out of 10. Very exciting news for the Jacks household.