Easter morning at Moonlight. I ran from our house to meet Tony and Brayden. We even attended church this morning. I forgot a local church had an Easter service on the beach. It actually was a really nice service. I felt a little under dressed strolling up to the service in my sweaty running clothes but we stayed anyway.

An egg hunt at a friends on Friday morning. This was as close as a group shot as we could get with this wiggly bunch.

He has got the egg hunt down pat.
Last year he only had one or two eggs and got mowed down by some bigger 2 year old and the pushy parents. This year he held his own.


The highlight of the Encinitas egg hunt-- wandering around inside the ambulance. I think he forgot the hunt was over at this point. I found a couple of tongue depressors in his basket.

Hooray candy for breakfast....The sun was not even out yet this morning when we all got up to follow the trail of eggs to his basket. Good thing the Easter bunny comes early to Carlsbad.
....Note to self. Do not make a Easter back pack with a 30 year old zipper. Even if the zipper was in the original package this does not mean it is in new condition.
Happy Easter everyone!
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